Honey is rich in your body. It gives you more energy and also kill dangerous bacteria’s in your body. The scientist also proved that honey gives you energy and fitness. Today share you my tips that I use in the foot bath. Everyone wants style and fashion and for this purpose they use any high-cost…
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Foot Soaks
Listerine Foot Soak Guide, Instructions, DIY.
Homemade Foot Soak for Dry Feet
Today I share you some tips that help you. I tell you how to make a foot soak for your dry skin. In winter, this…
DIY Pedicure Soak Recipes
Today I share some very useful tips with you. I share you how to make a pedicure soak in your home and very simple…
Vinegar Feet Care
Feet are the important part of our body. Our all jobs are depending on it. Our foot carries our body all the day.…
Listerine And Vinegar Use For Softer Feet
Listerine makes through Thymol, things that do kill bacteria and fungi. Although the concentration is lower in this…
Foot Soak Are Good For Relaxation
Foot soaking is very easy and very good method. A foot soak is a combination of herbs, salts, moisturizers, and…
DIY Peppermint Foot Soak
Nothing feels pretty much as good at the tip of a protracted exhausting day on your feet as a decent quiet soak.…
DIY Stress Relieving Foot Soak
Of course, unhealthy skin never leaves good impact so we should take care of our skin it’s too good for us. Foot…
DIY Eucalyptus Foot Soak
After a long tired week, everyone needs a long bath with hot water. Hot water gives a relaxation feeling to your…
Lavender Foot Soak Recipe
Rough and dry foot can create a problem for you . you cannot wear a smart sandal in happy mood to going to a party.…
Feet Remedies and Vinegar
Feet problems are very common but with proper care and treatment; we can cure these in no time. All feet problems…