DIY Foot Soak Herbal Recipe

The DIY soak herbal foot bath is the best solution for the muddy and dirty feet. Soaking the feet in the basin which has been infused with the herbal solution can be very relaxing for your feet. It is not only used as a relaxing agent but it also acts as a medicine for your feet. It also takes away the swelling from the feet. Usually, Herbal foot bathing is considered as an additional healing treatment for conditions such as hypertension, joint pain, skin diseases, insomnia and diarrhea in children. Make herbal decoction in enough quantity to cover ankles all the times, use warm and soak your feet for at minimum 15 minutes; it is better to do this 1 to 3 times per day. After bathing, dab the feet appropriately after bathing, keep warm and safe from the wind; raise the feet and it’s good to relax for almost half an hour.

DIY Foot Soak Herbal Recipe
Here are few steps following which can lead to making a best herbal foot soak which can be the best for healthy feet. There are many blood veins and capillary tubes running through the feet which are the main part of the body as their proper working will keep your feet healthy. This herbal foot soak can be very effective for those capillaries and veins. It can regulate the blood circulation throughout those veins and also keep the feet muscles working properly.

Following are the ingredients which are required to be added in order to make an efficient herbal foot soak:
1. 2 cups of Epsom salt
2. 8 drops of pure lavender essential oil
3. 6 drops mint essential oil
4. 2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
5. 2 drops of rosemary essential oil
6. 1 table spoon dried comfrey root powder
7. 1 table spoon dried lavender
8. 1 table spoon dried mint leaves
9. ¼ table spoon dried bergamot petals

Making the herbal foot soak can be very easy. First of all take the Epson salt and fill a jar about half with the Epsom salt. After adding Epson salt, add the essential oils in the jar and close the tightly with the lid. Now shake the jar so that the essential oils can be mixed with the Epsom salt completely. Now, remove the lid and add the comfrey and dried herbs in the jar. Now again close the jar with the help of lid and again shake it well. Add the Epsom salt to the fill the jar and again shake the jar after closing it tightly. The foot soak is ready to use. Put your feet in the basin for about 20 minutes. Use it regularly in order to see the desired result. This will soften your feet and will give a pleasant look to your feet.

There are many soothing herbs in the jar which will give the perfect relaxation to your feet.

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